Jadwal Film yang Akan Tayang Di Indovision Oktober 2014

Jadwal Film yang Akan Tayang Di Indovision Oktober 2014 - Bagi anda yang suka menonton film, Indovision akan menayangkan film film terbaru dibulan Oktober 2014. film film ini akan menemani anda sekeluarga dirumah. Judul film apa sajakah yang akan ditayangkan di Indovision? simak dibawah ini.
#HBO Signature - 6
Cold Comes The Night
Alice Eve, Ursula Parker
Friday, 17 October @ 9pm
He struggled to free his daughter were held hostage by a man who tried to snatch money from corrupt police.
#HBO - 7
Grace S1
Russell Wong, Pamelyn Chee
Premieres 17 October, Fridays @ 9pm
HBO orginal series which tells the mistakes made by a father to take his family on a tense situation.
Resident Evil: Retribution
Milla Jovovvich, Michele Rodriquez
Saturday, 11 October @ 9pm
With the help of allies, Alice chasing the person who is responsible for the release of the T-break virus that threatens mankind.
#FOX Movies Premium - 14
The Hobbit Desolation of Smaug
Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman and Richard Armitage
Premieres Saturday, 25 October @ 8pm
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug continues the adventure of Bilbo Baggins as he journeys with the Wizard Gandalf and thirteen Dwarves.
#HBO Hits - 10
Fast & Furious 6
Vin Diesel, Paul Walker
Thursday, 23 October @ 10pm
Letnan Hobbs formed a special team for car thieves gang arrested this luxury. Can Toreto and his group escaped again?
Itulah beberapa judul film yang akan ditayangkan di Indovision bulan Oktober 2014, Untuk berlangganan silahkan kirimkan data lengkap anda melalui SMS/WA dengan format Indov# Nama# Alamat_Lengkap# Kota# No_Telp1# No_Telp1 kirim ke 083876025741, kami akan segera menghubungi anda untuk konfirmasi dan menjelaskan. Klik Promo Indovision Bulan Oktober 2014
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